of the National Association of Housing & Redevelopment Officials

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Each year PSWRC honors the work and dedication of achievements, innovation and outstanding efforts of member agencies and non-profit organizations. Our Awards and Scholarship programs provide additional opportunities to inform the public of the best in housing and community development; and to create a place to call home!
PSWRC NAHRO Scholarship Program provides scholarship opportunities to families that reside in, work with, or who otherwise receive housing benefits from one of the member agencies.
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PSWRC NAHRO offers a variety of awards and recognition to individuals and agencies who have made outstanding contributions to the housing and community development field.
Since 2008, this contest has recognized the amazing, poignant art of children who live in affordable housing across the country. Each piece of art visually shares the child’s thoughts on what their home means to them.
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Scholarship Deadline: March 14, 2025
PSWRC-NAHRO now offers a scholarship incentive program for graduating high school and continuing college students who reside in public housing or Section 8 housing through a PSWRC-NAHRO member agency in “good standing”. PSWRC will award one scholarship in the amount of $1,000/year and will renew this award annually for the maximum of four (4) years based on the academic performance of the winner with the winner being asked to report back annually for us to share at each annual PSWRC conference. Our new PSWRC annual winner each year will then be submitted to National NAHRO to compete for the National scholarship.
Scholarship Applicants fill out and gather all required documents for the application.
Listed below are the documents required for a complete application. Please review this material carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the Service Office at pswrc@nahro.org or call 940 521-9982.
This includes:
To be considered, all sections of the application must be completed. If a section is not applicable, write N/A (not applicable) in the section; do not leave any sections blank. Any application that has blank sections, or that is missing appropriate submittals or signatures will be disqualified.
A letter of character recommendation: Please attach a letter of recommendation from a non-relative. Letters of recommendation will be accepted from a representative from the local housing authority or community organization, an employer, or a school professional such as a teacher, principal, or guidance counselor. Recommendations from family members will NOT be considered. All recommendations should include the writer’s name; relationship to the applicant; and the length of time the writer has known the applicant.
A transcript from high school and/or the academic institution the applicant is currently attending. A digital copy or scanned in hard copy are both acceptable.
Attach summary of activities (i.e., resume) outlining past and current employment, internships, honors, awards, sports, clubs, and/or other
recent school or community engagement. -
An essay (750-1,000 words) written by the applicant. Essay prompt: Please tell us about yourself and how this scholarship will help you achieve his/her goal of attending and graduating from college.
A clear, high-resolution headshot photo of the applicant.
NAHRO Member Agencies:
Eligible NAHRO member agencies must submit all of their applications to a regional scholarship representative, who will then conduct a regional judging. One candidate per region will be submitted to National NAHRO Merit College Scholarship for additional award consideration.
The final regional applications will be emailed to NAHRO by the current years due date. (July 1, 2025) The PSWRC Service Office and the winners will be notified once selected each year. The NAHRO Scholarship Committee awards scholarships directly to the accredited institution of higher education once proof of registration at the college or university is received.
Awards Deadline: March 14, 2025
The Pacific South West Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) annually recognizes excellence throughout the Region. The awards encourage, support and reward professionalism and integrity for those programs and individuals dedicated to developing, promoting, and administering community development and housing programs in the Pacific Southwest Region. To nominate a program and/or individual, follow the nominating procedures listed below.
One nomination form per category.
Your agency is encouraged to submit nominations for additional categories.
The nomination must clearly describe how the nominee met the award criteria in the calendar year. You are encouraged to be brief but detailed. You may attach additional information (narrative or graphic) if necessary, in accordance with the limitations on the cover page.
The nomination form must be approved by the submitting agency’s director.
The agency submitting this application must be a member of PSWRC in “good standing” in order to have this nomination considered.
Nominations will be reviewed, and winners selected by the PSWRC Members Services Award Committee.
The contact person listed on the nomination form will be notified of the results.
Awards will be presented at our annual PSWRC-NAHRO Annual conference. The winners and one representative of the winner’s agency will be honored at the Annual Conference luncheon.
Download the official Award Categories and Description
About Housing America Campaign
In 2007, NAHRO created the Housing America campaign to raise national awareness about the critical role that affordable housing programs play in building and sustaining healthy communities nationwide.
“What Home Means to Me” Poster Contest
NAHRO holds an annual national poster contest for youth who live in affordable housing owned or administered by NAHRO member agencies. Each piece of art shares the children’s thoughts on the theme of “What Home Means to Me.” Hundreds of beautiful posters from children across the nation are entered in local, state and regional competitions. A panel of judges selects 12 winners and one grand prize winner, who is awarded a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet his or her elected representatives. The winning posters are collected in the Housing America calendar, a year-long reminder of importance of safe, decent and affordable housing to children and families nationwide.
2025-26 Poster Contest Application
Contest Location:
Judging will take place at the:
PSWRC Annual Conference
Doubletree by Hilton Fresno Convention Center
2233 Ventura St.
Fresno, CA 93721
If you are not attending the conference entries can be mailed to:
PSWRC NAHRO Service Office
12246 FM 1769
Graham, TX 76450.
*ONLY 8.5 x 11 paper sized entries will be accepted by mail*
Entries must be mailed by May 5, 2025
Poster Specifications:
Theme - "What Home Means to Me"
Posters must have a LANDSCAPE (horizontal) orientation.
Size – Posters must be at least 8.5 x 11 paper size (letter size). Larger posters will be accepted, up to 22 inches by 28 inches.
Media - Contestant may use any art media (marker, crayon, paint, collage, textiles, etc.), but please consider that posters will need to be packaged, mailed and reproduced.
All entries must be mailed flat.
All contestants must sign a release making their entry the property of NAHRO and permitting duplication/publication thereof. The release should be secured to the back of the entry.
All regional finalists and national winners must sign a photo release waiver giving NAHRO permission to use their picture for online and print publication.
All contestants are asked to provide a short narrative on the inspiration, vision, and importance of their poster design. The narrative should be secured on the back of the entry.
Contestant’s name, grade level, and housing authority must be written on the back of each poster entry in addition to being listed on the release form also attached to the entry.
NAHRO is only responsible for returning the original poster to the national grand prize winner. NAHRO is not responsible for returning posters except for the grand prize-winning poster.
National winners will be selected based on how well the artwork uses the “What Home Means to Me” theme.
Eligibility and Selection Categories:
Contest participation is open to all children in grades K-12 residing in affordable housing assisted directly, supported under community development, or participants in affordable housing programs administered by a NAHRO member authority (i.e., public or Section 8-assisted housing CDBG, HOME, LIHTC). Entries must be created by only one person. Entries created by two or more people will not be accepted.
Age Categories:
Elementary: K to 5th grade;
Middle: 6th to 8th grade;
High: 9th to 12th grade
Contest Overview:
Local/state NAHRO chapters may submit entries to their regional council. The regional councils hold separate contests and send their top three winners (one from each age category) to National NAHRO. National NAHRO holds a contest to pick the 13 national winners. National NAHRO will not accept submissions from individual housing authorities. Any submissions sent directly to national NAHRO will be disqualified.
National NAHRO will not accept submissions from individual housing authorities. Any submissions sent directly to national NAHRO will be disqualified.
For more info regarding the Housing America campaign, please click here.